What is melatonin and how do melatonin drops help our body?

Defeat insomnia with melatonin drops :

How melatonin can give you a restful night's sleep

Insomnia, the nighttime spectre that haunts millions of people around the world, can have a devastating effect on quality of life. The inability to rest and enjoy a deep sleep can lead to fatigue, irritability and even health problems. While there are many approaches to managing sleep problems, melatonin has received increasing attention in recent years as a potential solution. In this blog, we will explore how melatonin can help with insomnia and what factors to consider when using it.

What is insomnia and why does it occur?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or not getting restful sleep. This can lead to night waking, frequent awakenings, tossing and turning in bed for hours, and a general lack of sleep.

The reasons for insomnia can be many and varied. They range from stress and anxiety to irregular sleep habits, medical problems and lifestyle factors. Common triggers are:

  1. Stress and anxiety: Worry, anxiety and stressful thoughts can make it difficult for the brain to shut down in the evening.
  2. Poor sleep habits: Irregular sleep schedules, excessive consumption of caffeine or alcohol, and a poor sleep environment can lead to sleep problems.
  3. Medical problems: a variety of medical problems, such as pain, respiratory problems, sleep apnea and depression, can affect sleep.
  4. Lifestyle factors: an inactive lifestyle, poor dietary habits, and an unhealthy environment can negatively affect sleep.

What is melatonin and how does it work?

Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone produced by the pineal gland, a tiny gland in your brain. It plays a crucial role in regulating your sleep-wake cycle and is usually released in increased amounts in the dark to help you fall asleep.

Melatonin's role in sleep is to prepare your body for sleep. When it gets dark, melatonin production increases, signaling your body that it's time to rest. The hormone lowers body temperature, slows the heartbeat and calms the nervous system.

How melatonin can help with insomnia:

Melatonin supplements are available in pharmacies and online, and are often promoted as a natural way to manage insomnia. Here are some of the ways melatonin can help overcome sleep problems:

  1. Regulation of the sleep-wake cycle: Melatonin can help regulate the disturbed sleep-wake cycle by synchronizing the body's biological clock.
  2. Shortening the time it takes to fall asleep: Melatonin can shorten the time it takes to fall asleep by amplifying your body's sleep signal.
  3. Increasing sleep duration: People with sleep problems who take melatonin often report longer sleep duration and more restful sleep.
  4. Jet lag management: Melatonin can help adjust to different time zones, mitigating the effects of jet lag.

Important considerations for melatonin use:

Although melatonin is a promising option for managing insomnia, there are some important considerations you should keep in mind:

  1. The correct dosage: The dosage of melatonin can vary. It is advisable to start with a low dose and gradually increase it if the desired effects are not achieved.
  2. The right time: Melatonin should be taken about 30 minutes before bedtime to support sleep. The time may vary depending on individual sleep habits.
  3. Quality and brand: It is important to buy high quality melatonin from trusted manufacturers to ensure efficacy and safety.
  4. Side effects and interactions: Melatonin may cause side effects such as drowsiness, headache, and stomach problems. It may also interact with certain medications and health conditions, so it is important to discuss this with your doctor.


Insomnia can significantly impact daily life, but melatonin can provide an effective, natural way to manage sleep problems. It is important to use melatonin wisely and in consultation with a doctor to ensure it is appropriate for your individual needs. With proper dosing and timing, melatonin can help regulate your sleep-wake cycle and provide you with the restful night's sleep you deserve.


Studies: Melatonin could be helpful in cancer

The antioxidant effect of melatonin is also one of the reasons why it has been tested and considered in numerous studies as a possibly effective agent in the fight against various types of cancer. The hormone has an oncostatic role, i.e. it inhibits the proliferation of tumor cells, e.g. in breast, ovarian, prostate, oral, gastric and colon cancer. In addition to the antixodative effect, mechanisms such as the modulation of the melatonin receptors MT1 and MT2 or the regulation of apoptosis (controlled "suicide" of cells by signaling pathways) are also important.

Also, melatonin drops could possibly serve as a supportive element in cancer treatment to enhance the therapeutic effect of various anticancer drugs. This is indicated by some clinical studies. In this way, for example, the quality of sleep and life of cancer patients could be significantly improved. Overall, the impressive potential and safety of melatonin suggests that it is a promising adjuvant for the prevention and treatment of cancer.